Instagram 'definitely' coming to BlackBerry 10
One of those apps is Facebook-owned Instagram, which has been a phenomenon on the iPhone and Android handsets. Thankfully, for prospective BB10 converts, it appears that the filter-friendly photo-sharing app will be making an official appearance.
CrackBerry reports that Instagram will "definitely" become available for BB10 handsets, but was not drawn on a potential release date.
"While no formal announcement was made this week about Instagram coming to BlackBerry, we did get word that BlackBerry is engaged in the process with Instagram right now and that Instagram will definitely be coming to BlackBerry 10. No date yet, but it will be there. Let's hope sooner than later of course," wrote CrackBerry's Kevin Michaluk.
Some Instagram users would say the presence of the app on BB10 is as important as Facebook or Twitter. Announcements concerning high profile third-party app launches for BlackBerry 10 were thin on the ground during this week's launch event, so one feels more have to be forthcoming.