Google Translate Adds Input Tools
Google announced that it has integrated new input tools into Google Translate. When you choose an input language, you should see the input tools icon at the bottom of the text area. Click on this to turn on the input tool, or switch to another one in the drop-down menu.
The tools are also available in Gmail, Google Drive, Chrome, Android, and as software for Windows.
“We have always allowed you to choose among alternative input methods, but your choice was limited,”Google says in a blog post. “For example, only one of four popular input methods for Chinese was previously available. Our new input tools greatly expand the set of available input methods for many languages.”
“We believe that your choice of input tools is important, because the best way to input text with a keyboard varies from language to language, and even from person to person,” the company continues. “Every language has its own set of popular input methods, each familiar to its own subset of users. For example, the Portuguese keyboard has two common layouts, one popular in Brazil and another in Portugal. In addition, given the popularity of Latin-alphabet keyboards, a transliteration input tool is often the preferred input method for many languages, allowing users to convert Latin-alphabet input into the proper written script. (Chinese has over 80,000 characters. Try fitting them all on a keyboard.) With the right transliteration input tools turned on, you can simply type “privet” to input привет, “tieng chao” for tiếng chào, and “nihao” for 你好.
Google Translate supports 65 different languages.