Did Google really design a Chromebook with a Retina touchscreen?
Could a super high-definition Google-designed Chromebook be coming soon to a table near you? According to Geek.com, a video that appeared almost as quickly as it disappeared shows what purports to be the Chromebook Pixel, a laptop running Chrome OS. The exciting kicker? It features a Retina-like, ultra high-definition touchscreen display that may have a resolution as high as 2560 x 1700 pixels.
This is just a rumor right now, though it could be a special edition Chromebook that will only be released to developers and tech press members, much like the original Chromebook made by Google, the CR-48, was a few years ago. In the video below, it looks a whole lot like a MacBook Pro with its aluminum casing and black, chicklet-style keyboard, which seems a little off.
The video was produced by a company called SlinkyMe that blames hackers for the video escaping the company’s servers and making its way to YouTube. For all we know, this could just be a mock-up commercial that isn’t finished and doesn’t have the final product in it. Or it could be a hoax by Anonymous to mess with the Chrome OS faithful. Whatever it is, the display looks like it has the potential to be amazing.