Red Nokia Lumia 822 Offers Valentine’s Day Gift Options
If you are a Forever Alone dude, then February 14th would most probably pass by you without anything significant
happening. I mean, you need not worry about what kind of gift to purchase for your other half, and neither do you need to stress yourself out with the different kinds of bookings that you need to make for shows, dinner, and perhaps even a hotel room to romance your other half all the way through to the morning. Hey, if you’re cold at night, just turn up the heat or use a hot water bottle, no?
As for the rest of the world who are attached or married, Valentine’s Day could be very stressful, as you have run out of gift ideas after celebrating your 50th anniversary in 2012. Hey, maybe it is time to ditch the traditional flowers and chocolates (although those tend to be classics), and settle for the Nokia Lumia 822. This time around, the Lumia 822 from Verizon will come in a flashy red color, instead of its boring white, black, and grey shades. It is now available for free from Verizon with a two-year contract, now how about that for a steal?
Via windows Blog (Thanks)