Google Wireless Network Project Shrouded In Mystery
It seems that Google is working on a new wireless network at its Mountain View campus, although the entire exercise is shrouded in secrecy, leading the natural curiosity in man to start questioning just what kind of antics are the Internet search giant up to. There is every possibility that this project will represent the tip of a very large iceberg that will involve its fair share of big names within the communications industry, or at least that is what was suggested by ABI Research analyst Joe Hoffman.
Google recently filed an application with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to introduce a new or modified radio station for an experimental radio service apart from broadcast purposes. The first base station will be deployed on Google’s campus in Mountain View, California, and it does seem to point towards the construction of a dense, hyperspeed wireless network.
This wireless network will comprise anywhere from 5 to 10 base stations that are then mounted on ceilings or walls located 6 to 8 meters above the ground. A trio of the base stations will rely on dual-slant, two-way multiple input/multiple output (MIMO) directional antennae with a maximum gain of 17 dBi, and said antennae will remain mounted on walls, facing Mordor – I’m kidding, they will be directed towards the buildings’ interiors.
Could this signal a future where Google works hand in hand with Clearwire to deploy superior indoor coverage without having to cross paths with current existing cellular networks?