Android : Full screen mode in Chrome Beta
A recent update has given Chrome Beta the option to enable WebGL. While that usually has a lot to do with graphics, this time it’s given us a fun new way to view webpages. An enterprising Reddit user (Smackel) has found a way to view our favorite web pages in full-screen mode!
It’s really simple to do, too. Just follow the steps below, and you’re on your way! Keep in mind some notes about using this function going forward are after the step-by-step, so don’t stop reading just yet! You’ll also need an Android 4.0 or better device, and Chrome Beta loaded.
1.Open up Chrome Beta
2.Type chrome://flags/ into the omnibox (that’s the address bar at the top)
3.Scroll down until you see “Enable WebGL” and click on it to activate
4.Navigate to the “Boids and Buildings” experiment page (bookmark this)
5.Launch the experiment
6.Close all tabs, and reopen Chrome Beta
Simple as that! Now, a few notes. We asked you to bookmark the page in step 4 because when you turn the device off or force-stop Chrome Beta, the full-screen function goes away. You’ll have to run through steps 4-6 again to re-engage the feature. It really makes mobile web browsing a much better experience.We’re sure this is a feature we’ll see on future Chrome updates (once the beta tag is removed), but an early gift is never a bad thing. I’ve tried it on both the Nexus 4 & 7, and it works perfectly. If you need additional help, the video below will walk you through it.